Aims & Objectives
NESC is to provide high quality services to the target groups, in particular in the following areas:
- Implementation of advisory support services for unemployed, specific groups of unemployed, workers and especially vulnerable groups such as Long-term unemployed, Persons with disabilities, Unemployed Women, Women leaders of single parents, Women victims of abuse/victims of trafficking, Unemployed/Unemployed over 45 years old, Young Unemployed, People belonging to different racial and religious groups (migrants, returnees, refugees), People with cultural specificities (e.g. Gypsies, ROM), Asylum Seekers, Released Persons, Drug Users/Former Users, Hiv-Positive, Homeless, People in Poverty or Threatened by Poverty, Juvenile Offenders, etc.
- Implementation of social protection and social development measures.
- Provision of systematic and organized primary social care to elderly and disabled people in need of support services, as well as medical and/or nursing services and/or home assistance, with the aim of staying in the natural and social environment, maintaining family cohesion, avoiding the use of institutional care and social exclusion situations, and ensuring a decent standard of living.
- Provision of services aimed at strengthening social cohesion through equal access to the labor market for all.
- Implementation of social/public activities in areas such as: Environment, Culture, Social Inclusion, Social/Health Services, Poverty Reduction, Combating all forms of discrimination, etc.
- Provision of social, psychological and medical/pharmaceutical care services with emphasis on vulnerable cases (Persons with disabilities, elderly, elderly, unaccompanied minors, victims of torture, single-parent families, etc.) as well as other vulnerable groups such as Roma, migrants, returnees, refugees, etc.
- Implementation of business advisory services (accounting, tax, marketing, etc.), Business Networking, creation of development partnerships, organization of business missions and exhibitions, preparation and support of social economy and social entrepreneurship structures, etc.
- Design, development, evaluation and implementation of educational programs across the education spectrum (formal – informal).
- Actions linking education to the labor market / Promotion of trainees in the labor market / Support of trainees for finding work.
- Design and development of educational actions aimed at raising the level and empowering the unemployed, workers, the self-employed, employers, business executives, etc.
- Co-ordination and management of partnerships (Development Partnerships) created with the aim of social inclusion and addressing the unemployment of vulnerable social groups.
- The design and implementation of European / transnational programs.
- Planning and implementation services for Information, Information and Publicity actions.